Cyber-Physical Systems and Tactile Internet

Designing Tactile Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS)
- Designed and executed a Tactile Cyber-Physical System (TCPS) connecting a haptic device and a robotic arm for live teleoperation.
- Developed pose correction algorithm that automatically adjusts the pose of a robot while gripping a tool.
- Developed tremor suppression algorithm that suppresses tremors in the robot arm while controlling it using a haptic device.
- Detailed project page π

Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) switch
Built IEEE 802.1 TSN-capable ethernet switches using SmartNICs hardware implementation of time synchronization (IEEE 802.1AS), Time Aware Shaper (IEEE 802.1Qbv), and packet duplication/elimination (IEEE 802.1CB).Novelties:
- Β΅TAS - Designed a P4-MicroC-based SmartNIC that offloaded Time-Aware Shaper and achieved 20Β΅s latency between hosts across two switches.
- Implemented packet de-duplication algorithms that ensured 100% and 99.83% packet delivery for two and tweleve streams respectively across two links each with 10% loss.
- EdgeP4 - Embedding intelligence for pose correction and tremor suppression in P4-programmable edge switches, reducing control loop latency (<100Β΅s) and network load (99% reduction) and demonstrating versatility in algorithm-switching for distinct tasks via P4's match-actions.
- Detailed project page π

Yaw control of a CubeSat using reaction wheels
- Designed a suspended CubeSat body and achieved precise control of its yaw using reaction wheels using a manually tuned PID controller.
- Modeled it in Simulink and implemented Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) using the MIT rule and achieved better performance compared to PID control.
- Detailed project page π

FPV Goggles
- Designed a first person view goggles which is lightweight and affordable.
- Application: wireless live streaming and recording the doctor's view during a surgery for training.
- Detailed project page π
IoT data management, indoor localization and security

Acoustics Based Localization
- Developed an application to locate multiple wireless edge devices with embedded microphones by using audio signals from speakers.
- Simulated a few localization algorithms using MATLAB. Implemented KNN fingerprinting based localization of the receivers and achieved an accuracy of 98%.
- Novelty - Unlike the usual source localization, here, the receivers (mics) are localized when the locations of speakers are known.
- Detailed project page π

Airplane IoT data analytics and management
- Developed machine learning algorithms to classify anomalies and take corrective actions using real-time data generated from sensors from a MATLAB/Simulink model of an aircraft environmental control system.
- Novelty - Developed an algorithm that does linear interpolation between non-consecutive data points from time series data to adaptively store data based on a cost function which balances storage space savings and error in reconstruction of data. Achieved 96% savings in storage space.
- Detailed project page π
Wireless communication and video streaming
- An end to end 5G mmWave system for infotainment.
- Novelty - Data & control plane of a video stream split over 5G and regular Wi-Fi.
- π₯ Won first place and a cash award of $7,200 in 5G Hackathon 2020 by the Government of India with 1100+ participating teams.

Wi-Fi Modelling
- Modelling & simulation of IEEE 802.11n & 802.11ac using MATLAB.
- Performance Metrics: throughput, packet error rate & range.
- Implementing Rate Control Algorithms in MATLAB.
- Detailed project page π

Video casting
- As 2.4 & 5 GHz Wi-Fi is congested in an aircraft cabin in which 400+ passengers cast media onto seat back displays in close proximity, using IEEE 802.11ad, 60GHz Wi-Fi (Wi-Gig) & 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6E) was explored.
- MATLAB WLAN Toolbox was used to simulate the physical behavior of Wi-Fi transmissions in a dense environment.
- Novelty - Developed an algorithm that dynamically allocates different channels to 400 transmitters such that the packet error ratio is zero (PER = 0).
- Detailed project page π
Hobby projects

Designing 3D printed products
Designing and 3D printing figurines, models and functional products for home and work.Details on the products developed π

Building and flying RC planes
Built RC planes using balsa wood, biofoam and corrugated plastic sheets, powered by brushless motors and nitro engines. Won flying competitions in Mangalore region. Conducted RC plane building workshops.Details on the planes built π